Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Game Engine Choice: JMonkeyEngine

I decided that being completely new to 3d games I would start with Java as we have not done c++ in college yet, and its third year unbelievable I know. So I bought "killer gaming in Java" from amazon. Although the book was great for beginners, the book only focused on Java3d which I found had very poor performance for a game engine. I thought that the only thing I could do was to learn c++ and design a game using OGRE. That was until I came across Jme Java Monkey Engine. Jme in my opinion is one of the best things to happen to the neat little-big language Java. Jme is a high performance game engine which is open source and very very impressive. So much so that it has become the hot new game engine for developers such as BigPoint who have a game coming out called Poisonville.

The reason they chose a Jme is because it is run on Java which allows it to be run across any platform mac, windows, even linux.

       Another impressive game is "AirCarrier" by shingoki, a flight shooter game which shows off Jme's impressive water effects and terrain generator.



  1. shingoki is the name of the autor, the name of the game is AirCarrier :)
    Its a good source to learn jME.

